Thecurrent program was initially started with Rights based approach and Result based management method. The program focused a lot on Rights and entitlement, Livelihood and local partners institutional capacity building. Though concretization and animating people for community mobilization was our overall of the current program, we have made effort to understand People led development concept from Misereor. Hence partners were oriented on this concept for internalizing. In the second phase of this program, the community intend to strengthen their effort in ensuring adequate and nutritious food and hence to ensure this happen, effort will be made for accessing their rights and entitlement and livelihood options through on farm and off farm through strengthened community-based mechanism.
Caritas India realized that, among many other reasons, climate change and variation is one of the major causes of this distress. In order to protect the farmers in India, this program promotes integrated development approaches through mobilizing the community and promoting community managed actions. It puts the aspirations and needs of those who produce, distribute and consume food at the heart of food systems and policies rather than the demands of markets and corporations.
This current program will look into the aspects of:
- promoting local seed varieties which would be used in varying climate scenarios like early sowing varieties, late sowing varieties, short duration varieties etc.
- Water harvesting, and conservation is helping farmers to provide lifesaving irrigation to their crop.
- Integrated pest and nutrient management practices are helping communities to overcome the problems of pests and insects that are also increasing due to climate change.
- Improved leadership capacities of farmers and community-based units are also helping increase their advocacy and access to their rights and facilities from the Govt.
In our current program effort has been made and some models and success stories of collective action have been achieved. Hence in the second phase we would like to strengthen these grassroots community organizations for active engagement, ownership and sustainability of the processes.
Section 2:
- Goal/ Impact: 800poor households of 22 Villages, are able to nourish themselves always, even in times of crisis of food
- Objectives
- Food and Livelihood Security is expanded through promoting Climate Resilient Agriculture and Livelihoods
- Framers and wage laborer’s organizations (Farmers’ Producer organizations)make use of the possibilities for participation and greater involvement in existing social programme.
- Community groups/committees/organizations of 22 villages have increased ownership and support management of village level governance and administration.

Farmers using lower step mancha and cultivating the vegetable

Best practice -1 Lalsak and chilli cultivation

Best practice – 2 (Shyam Kisku use manure in agriculture field and earn Rs. 11000/- from the carrot.

Organic Vegetable

Earth day celebration

Field level meeting